Vol. 2, Issue 2 (December 2020)                              ISSN: 2654-0746

Title and link of the issue:                              Reevaluating the role of innovation in education: a living social process

                DOI: 10.34097/jeicom-2-2-Dec2020





Reevaluating the role of innovation in education: a living social process. Preface

Dr. Fotini Diamantidaki & Dr. Margarita K. Kefalaki


Why do digital teaching innovations so often fail?

Professor Justin O’Brien


Reverse Bloom: A new hybrid approach to experiential learning for a new world

Dr. Arthur W Shelley


Equipping Parents for Effective HOME Schooling

John Kinzer & Dr. Nathaniel Herbst & Philip Pohlman & Erin Herbst


Evaluating Mandarin language students’ online experience during Covid-19: A case study from London

Li Qing & Dr. Fotini Diamantidaki


Book review “Why is it worth waking up every morning? Impressions and reflections on inspiration, motivation, and collaboration”

Dr. Sotirios Maipas
