(a) Panel on Leadership & Management
Panel Leaders:
*Dr. Michael A. Altamirano, Professor, King Graduate School, Monroe College, USA
*Dr. Carolin Rekar Munro, Professor of Leadership, Faculty of Management, Royal Roads University, Canada
*Dr. Athanasios Podaras, Assistant Professor, Technical University of Liberec, Department of Informatics, Liberec, Czech Republic
Leadership and management in the area of Communication are the central focus of this panel. The process of communication, motivation, inspiration, guidance, and encouragement of being a manager and a leader needs to be adapted, improved, and monitored, especially in the pandemic time we are actually experiencing. Volatile internal and external environmental forces affect modern society and organizations. Strategic organizations rely on effective leadership to guide firms through different important challenges. Today’s leaders are called upon to promote a higher degree of ethics, corporate social responsibility, vision, corporate culture, and motivation in order to promote a better quality of life for stakeholders and customers. Therefore, organizations must cultivate leaders for an increasingly globalized industrial society. The theme of this panel, includes, but is not limited to: ‘Transformational Leadership’, ‘Servant Leadership’, ‘Emotional Intelligence’, ‘Strategic Leadership and Management’, ‘Foundations of Everyday Leadership’, ‘Applications of Everyday Leadership’, ‘Project Management’, ‘Construction Management’, ‘Leading People and Teams’, ‘Improving Leadership’, ‘Human Resource Management’, ‘Psychology at Work’, ‘Strategic Management and Innovation’, ‘Inspired Leadership’, ‘Organizational Leadership’, ‘Digital Transformation in Management’, ‘Dynamic Public Speaking’, ‘Engineering Project Management’, ‘Coaching Skills for Managers’, ‘Business Strategies’, ‘Value Chain Management’, ‘Negotiation’, ‘Mediation and Conflict Resolution’, ‘Culture-Driven Team Building’, ‘Solving Complex Problems’, ‘New Models of Business in Society’, ‘Leadership in 21st Century Organizations’, ‘Communication Skills’, ‘New Technologies for Business Leaders’.
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