The general idea of this panel is to refine the understanding of journalism, its actors, and its use, during the actuall pandemic times we experience, using different conceptual contexts and empirical insights. The list of possible topics includes (but is not limited to) the following : ‘Media Ecosystem’, ‘Journalism and Social Media’, ‘Digital Journalism’, ‘Public Relations and Journalism’, ‘The Relations between PR Practitioners and Journalists’, ‘Advertising and journalism ’, ‘Journalism: Financial & Ethical Issues’, ‘Fake news and Disinformation’, ‘Politics and Journalism’, ‘Culture and Journalism’, ‘Society and Journalism’, ‘Journalism and Mediatization’, ‘The Future of Traditional Journalism’, ‘Citizen Journalism’.
Panel leaders:
*Pr. Bradley Freeman, Head, Department of Communication, Sunway University, Malaysia.
*Pr. Michael Nevradakis, Hellenic American University (Athens, Greece & Nashua, NH, USA).
*Pr. Khaled Gaweesh, Assistant Dean, College of Communication, University of Sharjah, UAE.
*Pr. Asha Kaul, Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India.
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