Formats and Templates

Below you can find all the different formats and templates: (a) abstact template, (b) poster submission, (c) round table discussion proposal, (d) workshop proposal, (e) how to become a conference chair and more.


(a)*Abstact submission – Research Paper submission – 

i_*To submit an abstract 
Please use the Abstract_template , and submit your abstract by email to  , in .doc file. Decisions are reached within 2 weeks after the abstract submission. In case you do not receive an acknowledgment of your email or you encounter any problems, please contact us at

Paper sessions consist of 15 min. oral presentation, including a discussion with the audience and possible questions at the end of each session. It is important that empirical papers indicate clear data and results. FYI: Research that is at an earlier stage, or presented by young researchers, is very suitable for poster sessions or roundtables (please see below _b To submit a poster), since interaction is promoted via this format.

ii_*To submit your full paper
For your full paper submission, please use the  Full-Paper-Template, and the Publishing Agreement , then please send both files at  .

iii_*Registration form submission

Please upload here the Registration-Form and submit it along with the registration fee receipt at


(b)*To submit a poster

*This format is an excellent way to create interaction, especially for early stage researches ).
To submit a poster. please also send an abstract (see a_i, that will be published in the conference abstract book) and you are also able to submit a full paper (see a_ii).

-Poster sessions offer presenters the opportunity for interaction and discussion with the audience.
-Posters visually present research studies. This format is perfect for researches at an early stage as research findings can be discussed and interaction can be better created with other participants.
-We do encourage young researchers and PhD students, to prepare Posters.
Posters, with the accord of the authors, can be shared before the conference, and participants will be able to make comments/ pose questions. Authors will receive Q&A for their work and will be able to reply and discuss during the poster session. We promote this activity as it exploits technology in a creative and collaborative way, adding value to the work of the poster creator, engaging active participation and exchange (in case you decide to propose a poster, please remember that this is similar to Mind mapping. Mind mapping ideas and concepts in STE(A)M projects, instead of simply note-taking, can be of great help. Digital mind map is a visual thinking tool that helps students structuring information, better analyzing, comprehending, synthesizing, recalling and generating new ideas (see ). It is an activity that requires both collaborative, analytical and artistic skills.

-Accepted posters should be produced in A1 portrait size.
-Please come with the poster printed and ready to set up for the poster conference.
-The poster title should be placed at the middle top of the poster. Author’s name(s) and affiliation(s), the short name of the conference and the logo of COMinG (we will provide it to the participants, please ask it by email in case you are presenting a poster), should be placed at the right bottom of the poster. The committee would need to have a provisional /draft poster in doc or pdf file, to decide for its presentation.
-Poster presentation will take place close to the conference rooms. Each displayed poster will be identified by a number specified at the conference program.
-Posters will be available for viewing throughout the conference and must be taken down on the days which will be fixed on the scheduled program. Authors give an oral presentation of about 5 minutes for each poster to an audience gathered as a group. An in-depth discussion with the audience follows.
-Poster presenters are responsible for mounting and removing their posters themselves. Equipment to fix the posters on the boards will be provided by the conference administration.
-Poster presenters should be available for discussion at their posters during the formal poster sessions, proposed on the conference program, where all delegates are encouraged to attend.
-Both oral & visual poster presentations are conducted in English.
-Many templates are provided for free at , so we propose that you take a look there for the creation of your poster.
-The poster title should be placed at the middle top of the poster. The author’s name(s) and affiliation(s), the short name of the conference, and the logo of COMinG (please ask us to provide the logo by email), should be placed at the right bottom of the poster. The committee would need to have a provisional /draft poster in doc or pdf file, to decide for its presentation.
-Many templates are provided for free at , so we propose that you take a look there for the creation of your poster.

With a poster authors are able to create interaction, even before the conference  :

-Posters presenters can create interaction before the conference. They can send their poster in an A4, Pdf file to be shared with the other academics before the conference. In this case comments and proposals can be proposed. This is a format that will permit interaction and exchange.
– Poster format (for remote presentation) : A4, pdf. file.

(c)*To submit a Round Table Discussions: 40-60 minutes

Format of submission: title of the research, with 3 headlines below to communicate to the round table participants (what is your research about? how you collect your data? what are the possible results?).
-5 minutes (max) presentations per speaker.
-4-7 speakers/participants per table.
– One moderator in each room.
-Participants ask questions to the presenters and discuss the presented works. Half of the time is given for the table/group discussion.


(d)*To submit a workshop: 45-60 minutes (no more than 3 workshops per conference- all presenters included)

You are invited to apply for the delivery of a 45-60-minute workshop. To submit a workshop you should have the requested experience and knowledge on the subject. The proposal is examined by our conference committee. The aim of these workshops is for participants to be actively involved in the discussion and collaborative learning through the sharing of ideas and reflective practice. Creativity and innovation in approaching the workshop format are encouraged and most welcomed.

The Workshop themes can include:


  • International Leadership and Management themes
  • New Media Technologies
  • Scholarly learning and teaching approaches Journalism
  • Sustainable development
  • Political Communication and International themes
  • New Media and Politics

For EDU:

  • Models/frameworks of innovative learning and teaching approaches
  • Workplace preparation and inquiry-based learning
  • Technology-enhanced active learning
  • Students as partners and co-creators
  • Creating inclusive learning environments- Promoting case studies
  • Approaches to authentic assessment and feedback
  • Scholarly learning and teaching approaches
  • Learning through communities of practice

Submission to conduct a 30-45 minute workshop should address the following criteria:

  • Identification of the theme that the workshop addresses
  • A title that does not exceed 10 words
  • A 350-word abstract (not including references) that includes: a) A clear description of the workshop content and its relevance to the identified theme, b) Articulated aims and expected outcomes for participants, c) A draft outline of the structure of the 45-60-minute workshop, including the planned activities.


(e)*Chair a conference session

Chairs have a very important role at COMinG conferences, as they open the session and make sure that everyone keeps to the allotted time. Chairs do not comment on the papers, they enable interaction and discussion, which is a very important part of our conference. Each participant can ask to become a conference chair. Please email to the President of the Institute, Dr Margarita Kefalaki at to make such a demand.



Awards may be provided at the conference for Best research paper, Best Poster, Best Round Table Discussion, Best Workshop, depending on the participation.
All Awards might be voted anonymously by the conference participants and via Mentimeter.